For this project we had to create a animation about an ELISA Test.
What is an ELISA Test?
A ELISA Test is a test to check if you are infected with a virus. This works by using antibodies. Antibodies are what identify and neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and viruses. By doing so an unknown amount of antigen is on top of the surface, and then a specific antibody is applied over the surface so that it can bind to the antigen. Then the current antibody is then connected to an enzyme. Finally by adding a chemical or substance to the enzyme there would most likely be a significant colour change in the enzyme Meaning antibodies are present you are likely to be infected. In the end if the enzyme tests positive your infected with a virus.
My project
I did not finish my project because i needed more time on it. But i was gonna create
a animation of a character with a script in which you can control with the arrow keys. The plot
was that while the character is walking down the street it gets infected with a virus from
a old lady that sneezes on the characters face. When he is infected another character was
gonna preform an ELISA test.
Image of my only scene i have
Link to my ELISA project